No Man's Sky post 1.55 Dupe and Whispering Eggs Does it still work?
No Man's Sky post 1.55 Dupe and Whispering Eggs Does it still work? - well, it sure does but not quite the same...
Following on from my other video on the subject patch 1.55 hit and people were concerned, interested anxious if the 'feature' still worked ..... The duplication glitch is very easy and requires only one player. The glitch can be used to duplicate high-value items to then be sold and gaining Units in no time but also works with any other item. Currently works after update 1.55 next on all platforms PS4/XBox/PC. All you need is 2-3 portable refiners and to be on a planet. Follow the video and you should be good.
#nomanssky #nmsdupe #nomansskydupe
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