Elite Dangerous Professor Palin has a new home ARQUE

Elite Dangerous Palin has a new home ARQUE

Link: https://youtu.be/KUJ9WwO7EL4

Professor Palin now has his new operation online in the Arque system - Engineering service for you FSD and Engines are now resumed,

For most of his career Professor Palin worked for the Federation, but when his research programme was abruptly terminated, he decided to establish an independent team dedicated to studying the Unknown Artefacts, meta-alloys, and all things alien, especially if there is a suggestion it relates to Thargoids. After receiving a generous donation from an anonymous benefactor, he set up a permanent research base in Maia, far outside human space and its regulations, focused on the development of new defence technologies.

#EliteDangerous #Elite #ProfessorPalin #ForcedEviction


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