Elite: Dangerous The KRAIT PHANTOM - Whats the point?

Elite Dangerous The KRAIT PHANTOM   What's the point?

Link: https://youtu.be/ImpGHyjOtog

The Krait Phantom has a more streamlined design than the Krait MkII. While it keeps two medium hardpoints and two large hardpoints, it exchanges the MkII's third large hardpoint, Fighter Hangar capability, and spacious three-canopy cockpit for reduced hull mass.

The Phantom's two large hardpoints are mounted on the vessel's dorsal surface, behind and flanking the cockpit. The two medium hardpoints are mounted on the underside of the front-most points of the hull, on either side of the cockpit and slightly forward.

The primary pilot's seat is located squarely along the centerline of the ship, but the cockpit itself extends from the hull and is slightly under-slung, affording a wide, unobstructed frontal view reminiscent of a Lakon Spaceways ship such as the Asp Explorer. The single secondary pilot seat is placed behind the primary seat. so there you go - so whats the point then ? did we need another ship like this ?

#elitedangerous #kraitphantom #elitedangerousbeyond


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