Elite: Dangerous Horizons Arrival at Colonia and Jaques Station
Elite: Dangerous Horizons - Arrival at Colonia and Jaques Station
Link: https://youtu.be/Iv6O3mwp1qk
I made it I am finally here after a long old journey I can now actually say I made it .
Jaques is a barman, a property owner and a cyborg. Back in the year 3200, Jaques had been running the same bar in the same starport for an inhumanly long period of time. His tale was recounted in the “Stories of Life on the Frontier” booklet included with 1993’s Frontier: Elite II, wherein we learn Jaques owns half the starport and plans on taking it on a voyage across the galaxy just as soon as he buys the rest.
"I guess it will take me about another fifty years to buy up the rest of this place and another ten to fit it out with enough drive engines. I think I'll do what Augustus Brenquith did and fly off into the unknown and explore new systems. But I like people as well, so in sixty or so years time there will be an invitation going out: anyone who wants to come along can join me on a long trip.”
Twenty-two years after David Massey wrote the short story “All That Glisters...” in Stories of Life on the Frontier, Jaques is doing just that. It took a little longer than expected (the old Coriolis Station wasn’t robust enough to take the drives he wanted…) but he got there in the end.
Also located within this system are the famous 'Animula Spires' - the first fungal life found in deep space. These tall spires are covered with various types of fungal growths resembling those found on Earth and other planets, apparently thriving on the volcanic warmth and minerals around the silicate vapour geysers of the area. Samples of the life have been turned over to the Colonia Counsel for examination. Pilots are encouraged to not disturb the flora as it is currently unknown how rare these life forms are or how quickly they grow. Any materials gained could be gathered the normal way via prospecting rocks that dot the planet's surface rather then destroying such a rarity.
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